Next level milkshakes

22 Jan

Milkshakes should be simple things made from ice cream and flavoring elements like chocolate, coffee, caramel or various fruit syrups. Maybe with an additional component, like sprinkles or a dash of bourbon. They are served in big, tall glasses with a thick straw and different types of fruit on top, depending on what flavor you’ve picked for the milkshake itself. That’s a milkshake. But what if there are 10 different things that are all delicious and also happen to look pretty good. Why not just put them all together and create a delicious monster milkshake?

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That there’s a thin line between food and art is something that Black Tap confirms with her over the top, huge, amazing, wonderful milkshake creations. And even though it might only takes 5 zips before you get in a sugar coma, these next level milkshakes are a feast for your mouth, your eyes and your Instagram page as well.

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So, why would these creations improve someone’s Quality of Life? At first, I mean, look at them! I just can’t get how they stay up like that with all those ingredients, but they sure look incredible! I don’t think someone would buy it to actually drink it, but it’s just a nice accessory to show off with on social media, as some already did. Just a thing to enhance your material wellbeing, but also your emotional wellbeing, by getting more and more likes on your pictures. But, let’s be honest, who doesn’t get happy from these delightful treats!

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