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Eatable Music

20 Feb

Have you ever felt sad, without any chocolate around or any ‘feel good’ music to cheer you up? Wohlfahrt Schokolade found the perfect solution to combine these two things, just to make you feel better. So no more crying faces and sad days! I’m going to make sure you won’t have to feel bad again, with this eatable piece of music!

eatable music 1What is it?

Wohlfarth Schokolade is a chocolate producent in Berlin, which combines music with chocolate. The company produces chocolate Gramophone plates which aren’t only edible, but actually produce music! The idea behind the concept is simple: put it 5 minutes in the refrigerator, take it out and put it carefully on the turntable, choose 45 revolutions per minute and enjoy the music!

Why is it cool?

I think this piece of choco vinyl is a really original and fun concept. I mean, how has anyone ever thought about this? Although, the idea of music and food is a great combination for lots of people. It’s really cool to get something like this as a gift, but I think there’s a more important reason for people to buy this. When you have a bad day, you could listen to the music at first. Afterwards, you could eat the chocolate, just to feel better. I really think this can brighten up your day! It will improve the Quality of Life, because the music & chocolate have a happy effect on people!

I’d combine this Coolhunt with Development & Activity (leisure/hobbies) and Emotional Wellbeing (positive affect) from the Felce & Perry Model. Music is usually used in your free time, also Leisure. People use music to relax or as background music when they do other activities. Also, the chocolate has a positive affect on you, because of the ‘phenyl ethylamine’ that’s in it. This matter stimulates the brains in a positive way. That’s why chocolate makes you happy, and why it belongs to Emotional Wellbeing on the Model of Felce & Perry.

eatable music 2Why does it have future growth potential?

I think this eatable gramophone plates do have future growth potential, because of their originality. Nowadays, people want something special, something fun and something new. Everybody knows what chocolate and gramophone plates are, but when you combine these two, you’ll get a whole new product.

The company is even expanding its assortment, with, for example, chocolate meat. This is perfect for vegetarian, because it’s made of cacao of Bio-quality. They’re trying to create lots of tastes for every person, so everyone could enjoy this delicious taste of music!


20 Feb

summ 3Do you love to snack, but are you tired of the unhealthy, fattening products? Summ has THE snack for you! Delicious chocolate, biscuits an crisps, made of biological and fair trade products. Don’t believe it? Summ gives you the opportunity to discover the whole procedure.

What is it?

Summ is a food product line that consists of a delicious sweet and snacks assortment. The products are 100% biological and they’re made with as much as possible fair trade ingredients, which belong to the FairConnect company. This is a company that consists of 3 groups (producers, workers & consumers) that work together on Summ. The products within the assortment of Summ, contain mainly biscuits, sweets, chocolate products, crisps and drinks.

Why is it cool?

I think Summ is a cool company, because it’s really open about its communication. They inform people about their goals, methods, where they are and how people could contribute. Nowadays, people want to know how products are made and where they come from. Summ uses transparency on a whole different level. They’re not only showing where the products come from, but they also introduce the consumers to the farmers of the ingredients. By doing this, the increase the transparency, and that’s what people want these days.

Why does it have future growth potential?

In my opinion, more companies should do the same thing like Summ. People want to know what they eat. By using more fair trade products and telling people where they come from and how they’re made, the position of the company will improve, because customers have more trust in their products. It will promote the company’s profit and customers are buying more fair trade and biological products, which will improve their way of life!

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Must See App

20 Feb

If you want to travel to a city you’ve never been, and you have no idea what kind of activities you can do there, the Must See Map by KLM, is the thing for you!

What is it?

The Must See App is a simple, online tool to collect the best tips for your next city trip. Online, you can create your own map. By collecting tips from friends who have been in that city, you could complete your map with all the things you want to do during your trip. The tips and tricks are gathered in a clear map with addresses, so you could easily find what you’re looking for. This will make your trip a lot easier, because you don’t have to look for things you can do. You’ve already selected the best things!

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Why is it cool?

The Must See App is a cool solution for people who love the adventure of travelling, but still want some kind of a guide who escorts them. If you’re not familiar with the city you’re going to travel to, there are always people who could recommend some things you MUST see. This is, in my opinion, a much better way to lure people to go on city trips. I think they attach more values on the meaning of other people, than on the sales pitches of travel agencies.

That’s why I think the Must See App is, for KLM, a good way to appeal people to go on city trips. For the users it’s cool, because they can pick every location they want to see, and, by the help of friends, have a great city trip with all the highlight and the things you must see!

Why does it have future growth potential?

I think this app has future growth potential, because, if other organizations see what a profit KLM gets out of it, they want something like that for their company too. I think that’s how this app will grow in the future. Users reacted really positive on the app, so I think that KLM is going to expand the app more and more. In this way, they’ll get more success out of it and it also helps travelers more than a lot!

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20 Feb

“I’m waking up to ash and dust. I wipe my brow but I swear my rust. I’m breathing in the chemicals.”

I hope your environment isn’t as bad as the lyrics from this Imagine Dragons song, but you don’t know for sure, do you? Wouldn’t you feel much better if you’d really know what’s going on in your environment? Lapka Personal Environment Monitor is a device to help you find out!

What is it?

Lapka is a small, personal environment tool, which works with your iPhone. The monitor measures, analyzes and collects information about your environment. It gives you all the information about the things that we normally don’t think about, like electromagnetic fields, temperature, humidity and radiation, but it also measures the organicity of food. To measure all these things, Lapka uses sensors. You can easily download the Lapka app on your smartphone.

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Why is it cool?

I think the Lapka app is really cool, because it’s a good example of Transparency. It shows you all the things you normally can’t see in the environment around you. You are living in it every day, without knowing what’s really going on out there. Because you can find out with Lapka, I think people become more environment-friendly and more aware about the environment they live in. The more people will know, the more they can do to approve their environment, which will also approve their Quality of Life.

Why does it have future growth potential?

The app has, in my opinion, definitely future growth potential. I think the most important reason therefor, is the awareness people get by using this app. If they can see all the bad things within their environment, they might make some changes in their ways of life. They will get more environmentally friendly, which will be much better for their further lives. The designer of the app could develop the app, so there will be even more transparency and people will going to live even more environment-friendly!

20 Feb

Do you want to go on a city trip, but are you a little suspicious about booking an hotel, about the landlords and the chance of being swindled? will help you to get rid of your suspicion, so you can have a great hotel, nice landlords and worry-free city trip!

What is it? is an online meeting-place for landlords and renters. Here they can meet each other, have contact and make arrangements of renting a place. You can link your Rooming account to your Facebook account, so you have the opportunity to get to know more about your renter or landlord. You could get to know each other, which will improve the trust for the renter, but also for the landlord.

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Why is it cool?

I think Rooming is cool, because it creates a band of trust between landlords and renters. The transparency is the main reason is being used, because lots of people these days, are pretty suspicious. The fact that they can gather so much information about the other, will be a whole appeasement for both.

Why does it have future growth potential?

Sites like do really have future growth potential, because the trend transparency wouldn’t stop for a while. People want to know more and more about the places they’re going to and the people they have contact with. I think there will be more sites or places created like Rooming, so the transparency will get bigger and bigger.

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